Supporting the Constitutional and Human Rights of America's Bereaved Military Families
"The clustered injuries into Gordon Hess’s chest as well as the attack to his neck are more consistent with homicidal “rage” type wound structures. In my opinion these injuries and wounds are not obviously self-inflicted. I do not believe that Gordon Hess would have been able to inflict such devastating injuries to himself without leaving hesitation type marks. In fact, in my 34-years of law enforcement experience particularly in the area of homicide and forensic investigations, I have never seen this many self-inflicted stab wounds without some evidence of hesitation marks on the victim. In the absence of drugs, intoxication or psychosis a death like that of Gordon Hess would more properly be classified as homicide.There is a general consensus of medical opinion as well as investigative concurrence among the experts who reviewed this case that Captain Gordon Hess’s death is highly suspicious and not consistent with the Military’s finding of Suicide." Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. Former Commander, Bronx Homicide, NYPD; Law and Order Magazine, July 2000, Vol. 48 No. 7